It’s all about you

During my current term I have worked with Di Wilkins as my co-councillor for Eastwood and Glenunga. We have worked together like a dream team because we share a fundamental belief in the importance of community. For this reason we have decided we will stand as a team, two women ‘of a certain age’ who understand that a community is more than roads, footpaths and buildings.

Equally important is the well-being of our residents whether they are families or people living alone. We are especially passionate about environments where people of every age or stage in life can enjoy their neighbourhood safely and conveniently.

We don’t posture and grandstand and we don’t see ourselves as special, just as a couple of hard working mums who are privileged enough to be able to give back to a community that has been kind to us.   We listen, we consult, we consolidate and we are always mindful of doing the the right thing by you,

It’s never about us, it’s always about you.