Category: Uncategorized

  • One regret

    Thank you to the thousands of Burnside voters who put their faith in me. I gave it a red-hot crack and while the final count fell short it was a respectable challenge.  I am humbled and grateful to you all for your support and civic mindedness and my one regret is that I shall not…

  • One day left

    Council elections are almost over. You can still complete your ballot but you must personally deliver it to Council’s  Civic Centre Ballot Box at Customer Service  at 401 Greenhill Road Tusmore by 5pm on Thursday 10 November. A last minute vote is as valid as any other!

  • Still time to vote

    It’s not too late to vote in your local Council elections.  Your ballot should have arrived by post last week.  Inside you will find voting slips and a booklet which gives information on each candidate.  There are also contact details if you want to follow up with candidates individually.  Most candidates are likely to also…


    An Expert Panel has been established to review the Planning and Design Code. The Panel will be seeking comment from interested groups and members of the community until the consultation closes on 16 December 2022.  The website can be accessed here Summary documents include character and heritage, tree policy, infill policy and car parking…

  • It’s all about you

    When I was first elected in 2010 hundreds of people I have never met put their faith in me. I was very grateful and decided that my behaviour and standards must reflect the attitudes and values of the people I represent.Keeping the community at the heart of what I do is very important. This means…

  • Keeping rates low

    I have always been a firm believer in keeping rates as low as possible and am happy to report that in the 12 years I have been a councillor, our rates have been among the lowest in Adelaide.Recent cost of living pressures have affected us all so it is even more important to monitor our…

  • The importance of trees

    In comparison with other metropolitan councils Burnside currently has reasonable tree canopy coverage.   But, we need to be ever vigilant to make sure we maintain and increase the canopy over time.  Most of our big trees are on public land.  Those on private land are increasingly under threat from urban development.    We have thousands of…

  • Electoral cycles

    Many elected members constrain their vision within their four year term.  This is not ideal for local councils and here’s an example of good works done across electoral cycles.  During my first term in 2011 we identified that the Conyngham Depot was an underutilized piece of land and we began to investigate options for future…

  • Planning & Design Code

    The state government enacted its new planning legislation in 2016 and this has had an impact on the streetscapes across Burnside.  Urban infill was taking place prior to this Act but legislation for smaller allotments requiring less open space has meant a loss of established gardens and many mature trees. The new Act gives no…

  • Another election

    Local government elections are about to take place I’m one of two candidates for Mayor of Burnside. Ballot papers will be posted to you between 14 to 20 October.  If you are a local resident you will receive your ballot papers in your name and they will include instructions on how to vote as well…